CJT PUBLISHING Around the Elk features small stories about the area that do not merit "feature" status. They populate the issue with content between other segments. I created a system that relies on feature stories supported by a series of recurring segments that provides consistent and changing content. Trail Mix covers all of the happenings along the Elk River Trail and Waterways. We work in close coordination with the Elk River Trail Foundation and local businesses. ELKRIVERLIVING.COM ABOUT The driving goal is to instill a sense of pride of place by simply providing a platform - a mirror to reflect the character and culture of the area. ERL’s philosophy is to celebrate the people, places, and businesses of the region. Founded in 2018, Elk River Living (ERL) magazine is an independently-owned monthly publication in both digital and print, giving a voice to the people and businesses of this region in West Virginia. There is a strong emphasis on cultural contributions and entrepreneurial cultivation in the area. SCOPE I designed ERL magazine from the ground up, developing a guidelines package and business plan with the Editor in Chief. A recurring segment format provides a structure that provides a recognizable feature build that readers come to expect. Our focus on promoting local businesses helps sustain an advertising base that sees a symbiotic relationship with our mission. ELK RIVER
GUIDELINES PACKAGE PDF Here vegetable gardening tips as well as canning recipes are shared. From seed preparation to planting to harvesting, we follow the season with readers. The Reader Submission is dedicated to a photo from one of our readers. Topics range from nature to personal achievements to art. To appreciate the present, this segment provides a window into what has come before. The Elk Reflects picks a moment or topic in history and revisits it. The Elk's Cookbook taps into a rich tradition of sharing recipes with neighbors. Readers, local farmers, and restaurateurs participate in sharing. The Elk's Students acknowledges academic and athletic achievements. ERL's Editor takes part in educating local students on the importance of writing. The Elk River has a long history of writing and poetry, and this segment brings the area's authors current works to the readers' attention. The Healthy Elk brings local physical therapists and health experts to share topical stories to the readers that promote a balanced life.
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The ERL logo is instantly identifiable. The "Mighty Elk" icon symbolizes strength and resiliency of the communities on the River. The magazine anchor appears at the head of every issue and cross-media advertising and marketing expressions. Incorporating the elements of the main lockup, the secondary logo is used in instances where a square format is appropriate, per space constraints or visual balance. It is also the recurring logo on the information and legal page of each issue opposite the Editor's Welcome. The article body text is Source Serif Pro, no smaller than 10 points to ensure legibility. Main and feature story headlines are also in Source Serif Pro, with Source Sans Pro used for secondary headlines and supplemental information where deemed appropriate.
The Mighty Elk icon is instantly identifiable across devices and merchandise. I chose a serif and complimentary sans serif font, with tertiary fonts used for emphasis as needed. The ERL palette is an extraction of the colors found in nature around the Elk River area. ERL depends on its advertisers. Businesses are featured in every issue, bringing them to our readers' eyes and reinforcing the local economy. Supporting logos & 3-d logo applications are used in promotion and marketing purposes. ERL subscriptions arrive in the 9"x12" envelope that proudly announces "it's here!"
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