SHITS AND GIGGLES If the mixture of Rockite was too thick, I lost definition of the gum ball spikes; if it was too thin, it would not properly coat the structure. Pre-dipping forms and connections. Different forms were created - some cubic, some sputnik, some trapezoidal. ABOUT Using what the New York Times called The Mean Seed of the Sweet Gum as my source material, one ofternoon I decided to embark on a materials study in a Park Slope backyard. SCOPE With the gum tree providing the seeds, I maintained a natural materials theme in using found twigs as joining components. After the objects were assembled, I dipped them in the Rockite several times, changing the viscosity with successive dips. The final objects made for fun garden decorations. If I were to repeat the process, I would repeat coatings after allowing the first to set. SWEET GUM SEEDS + ROCKITEā„¢ Some of the creations started to take on personalities of their own. cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper